Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Semi 1: first thoughts

So.... for a second there, it seemed like there might be a twist and Ireland wouldn't make it through. There did seem something amusing about Sad Jedward. But after some pointless padding by Azerbaijan, and a scan around a lot of very broken-looking performers in the green room, Jedward made the 10 was made up of the ten mostly already expected to get through, who were:


I thought Greece would flop out, but they managed to stick it out. The power of flicky hair and tiny skirts. Actually, her and Cyprus were definitely battling for wardrobe malfunctions (Ivi's dress had some very awkward cleavage. I hope them and Romania all draw together in the final.

Montenegro, Latvia, San Marino, Austria: I don't think anyone expected them to qualify. I think Israel should have had Hungary's place, a song that I can never remember no matter how many times I hear it.

Russia though? SERIOUSLY? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU????? THAT SONG IS TERRIBLE! And Moldova? I am very concerned about everyone's taste.

Everyone seems to hate Albania. Personally, I like it. I'm glad to see the back of Belgium (that opening shot where her dress was see-through seemed soooo wrong for a 17 year old.)

So, I think we can expect the second semi-final to go as predictably as this one. Yawn. If I wasn't a big fan, I'd just skip past it.

Worst part of the show? None of the songs but the BBC commentary. Urgh, my god, not only are they utterly dull but those boring half-audible interval interviews were clearly at the expense of something FAR MORE INTERESTING ON THE STAGE!!!!

Second worst part of the show? Eldar, my god, he has no charisma, and has anyone struggled so much to read a cue card? I know English probably isn't his first language but that was so stiff. Well, when you could make it out over Scott Mills and Sara Cox jabbering on.

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