Saturday, 17 March 2012

Belgium: Would You?

A description of Belgium's entry:

Iris doubts the sincerity of her lover. She feels that her relationship has reached a certain, crucial point and is wondering what her boyfriend would do if she left him. Would he miss her, like any other boy would? Or not? 

What? Iris is 17 years old? Who gives a toss if he would miss her or not? You're 17! You couldn't have even had sex for more than a year, legally! Whose relationship are you talking about? 

Seriously, there is a complete disconnect between the lyrics of this song, and the performer. A young girl asking 'What would you do if my house was empty?/ You took my love for granted/ would you really miss me?' What house? You're still in school! How has he taken your love for granted? How can you have even had a lengthy relationship? Why can't you get your dad to go round to his house and give him a slap? 

Seriously, you're not even out of high school! 

 I'm totally passing on this song. Annoyingly false ballad. 

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